Excessive Sweat Treatment Specialists

Millions of people suffer from excessive underarm sweat. Some people produce 4 or 5 times more sweat than necessary. If you’ve been diagnosed with axillary hyperhidrosis, bothered by underarm sweat, have embarrassing underarm sweat outbreaks, or find yourself constantly reapplying antiperspirant, Pine Belt Dermatology has a breakthrough solution for you. Kristen Richardson at Pine Belt Dermatology in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and can put an end to excessive underarm sweating. To learn more about excessive sweat treatments, call your nearest office or book an appointment online today.

Excessive Sweat Treatment Q&A

Excessive underarm sweat is embarrassing and smelly, and unfortunately, antiperspirants and deodorants often fall short in providing you with the protection you want and need. At Pine Belt Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Kristen Richardson offers miraDry®, a cutting-edge treatment designed to treat underarm perspiration at its source, eliminating sweat glands without surgery to help patients feel comfortable and confident. Treatments take about an hour, and there's no downtime. Pine Belt Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center is one of the first clinics in the state of Mississippi to offer this product.

What is miraDry®?

MiraDry® is an FDA-cleared treatment for patients with excessive underarm sweating. The treatment is completely noninvasive, which means no incisions are required. Instead, the miraDry® system uses waves of electromagnetic energy to destroy the sweat glands while leaving the surrounding skin and other tissues unharmed. Once treatment is complete, you’ll notice a marked reduction in perspiration and underarm odor, so you’ll feel more confident. Many patients also experience a reduction in underarm hair growth as well.

What happens during treatment with miraDry®?

Before treatment, the staff will numb your underarms with a local anesthetic so you’ll stay comfortable throughout your treatment. Kristen Richardson will use a special handpiece to deliver the energy waves directly to the sweat glands in your underarms, moving slowly across each treatment area to ensure the glands are precisely targeted. The handpiece features a special cooling device to keep your skin from overheating so you stay comfortable. Treatment takes about an hour, and you’ll be in a relaxed, reclining position throughout the procedure.

Is miraDry® safe?

Absolutely. The miraDry® system has been cleared by the FDA to treat excessive underarm sweating, and the delivery system combined with the additional cooling technology ensures your skin remains undamaged.

Don’t I need to sweat to stay cool?

It’s true; perspiration plays an important role in helping you regulate your body temperature. But the fact is, your underarms only have about 2% of the total sweat glands found throughout your body, and they play virtually no role in helping you stay cool. The miraDry® system only treats underarm sweating, so after treatment, you’ll still perspire elsewhere, and that means your body will still be able to regulate its temperature.

When will I notice results? 

Most people notice results right after their treatment. You’ll probably have some mild swelling and discomfort for a few days, but you’ll be able to return to your normal activities right after your treatment. Until irritation subsides, you should avoid some strenuous activities that could cause an increase in discomfort.

How many treatments will I need?

Many people get the results they’re looking for after just a single treatment, but in a few cases, a second treatment session may be needed for optimal reduction in perspiration. Once the sweat glands are treated, they’re gone for good, which means your results will be permanent.

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